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Gość: BmjdOpIhOGl
128 miesięcy temu

Imsvipsere brain power at work! Great answer!

Gość: Imsvipsere brain power at work! Great answer!

128 miesięcy temu

Gość: YtGDEsoVri
128 miesięcy temu

My prolebm was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

Gość: My prolebm was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

Gość: uCxx52RfUnbm
128 miesięcy temu

I had no idea how to approach this beofre-now I'm locked and loaded.

Gość: I had no idea how to approach this beofre-now I'm locked and loaded.

Gość: pmQUlUpWTZEp
128 miesięcy temu

there was no international ban for vetcor control, and there was not even an international ban for all countries for agricultural uses. DDT has continued to be used internationally for both purposes.So what is your point? So how about some evaluation of the relative importance (compared to other measures) of the use of DDT in irradiating malaria in the U.S.?

Gość: there was no international ban for vetcor control, and there was not even an international ban for all countries for agricultural uses. DDT has continued to be used internationally for both purposes.So what is your point? So how about some evaluation of the relative importance (compared to other measures) of the use of DDT in irradiating malaria in the U.S.?

Gość: qZtJDagfyVh
128 miesięcy temu

Thkniing like that is really amazing

Gość: Thkniing like that is really amazing

Gość: 8Wu0rmPtm
128 miesięcy temu

Nice article, as a captvie audience (and supporter) of the BBC, it is always nice to see them shine through. Hopefully they will continue to be part of the solution to the spreading bed bug menace though.

Gość: Nice article, as a captvie audience (and supporter) of the BBC, it is always nice to see them shine through. Hopefully they will continue to be part of the solution to the spreading bed bug menace though.

Gość: eCRHwSHla
128 miesięcy temu

That's a knowing answer to a dicffiult question

Gość: That's a knowing answer to a dicffiult question

Gość: rES0N0LAl
128 miesięcy temu

The BBC is all fine and good, but we need helpful and iarnfmotive news, and real solutions proffered. Bandages and poppycock will not heal the bed bug problem no matter how much wishful thinking

Gość: The BBC is all fine and good, but we need helpful and iarnfmotive news, and real solutions proffered. Bandages and poppycock will not heal the bed bug problem no matter how much wishful thinking

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  •   :: Powracam , ale czy na dlugo.? to nie wiem . bede tu 
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