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2013-08-19 17:00:04
Gość: TvOEoKQzMVcH
136 miesięcy temu
Perfumy Diora oczywiście zaeiwrają te naturalne składniki oraz rf3wnież syntetyki. Tylko z ich połączenia może powstać wspf3łczesny zapach. Potwierdza to J.C Ellena w emitowanym niedawno na Planete dokumencie. Dodam, że słowo syntetyk nie powinno być nacechowane pejoratywnie, bowiem wiele składnikf3w pochodzenia laboratoryjnego przyczyniło się do rozkwitu sztuki perfumeryjnej w XX wieku. Wiele składnikf3w syntetycznych jest też znacznie droższych niż naturalne.Poza tym obawiałbym nazywać się Diora massmarketem. Dior to wyższa pf3łka designerska, do ktf3rej zaliczam także Chanela i Hermesa. Wszystkie trzy firmy bardzo dbają o jakość markowanych przez siebie perfum i stanowią obecnie wiodące trio wśrf3d firm francuskich. Świadczy o tym chociażby zatrudnianie na etacie własnych nosf3w, ktf3rzy nie tylko pracują nad nowymi kompozycjami, ale rf3wnież dbają o jakość i powtarzalnośc zapachf3w już istniejących. Weźmy choćby Jacquesa Polge'a i Chanel No. 5.
Gość: Perfumy Diora oczywiście zaeiwrają te naturalne składniki oraz rf3wnież syntetyki. Tylko z ich połączenia może powstać wspf3łczesny zapach. Potwierdza to J.C Ellena w emitowanym niedawno na Planete dokumencie. Dodam, że słowo syntetyk nie powinno być nacechowane pejoratywnie, bowiem wiele składnikf3w pochodzenia laboratoryjnego przyczyniło się do rozkwitu sztuki perfumeryjnej w XX wieku. Wiele składnikf3w syntetycznych jest też znacznie droższych niż naturalne.Poza tym obawiałbym nazywać się Diora massmarketem. Dior to wyższa pf3łka designerska, do ktf3rej zaliczam także Chanela i Hermesa. Wszystkie trzy firmy bardzo dbają o jakość markowanych przez siebie perfum i stanowią obecnie wiodące trio wśrf3d firm francuskich. Świadczy o tym chociażby zatrudnianie na etacie własnych nosf3w, ktf3rzy nie tylko pracują nad nowymi kompozycjami, ale rf3wnież dbają o jakość i powtarzalnośc zapachf3w już istniejących. Weźmy choćby Jacquesa Polge'a i Chanel No. 5.
Gość: 4wScBuUnaCd
136 miesięcy temu
Wow, while I agree that there were definitely some preolbms with this movie, I think there are some preolbms with your opinions as well. I think you should go rewatch he movie and get your facts straight. For example, so you really think the planet Spock and Kirk end up on was random? If so, this does not say much for your powers of observation. You're comment about Spock totally changing the history of time in this Universe truly shows your own IQ, as the history of this time line had already been altered (In case you didn't notice the little clue of the entire planet Vulcan being blowed up REAL GOOD). As well, if you think Old Spock is emotionless, you not only missed one of the major plot points of this movie, but of the other movies as well (not to mention the original series). If you really think "Most science fiction is inherently silly" than maybe you should leave it to people that understand it. I'm a Trek fan, and even I would only give this movie a 5/10, but not for the reasons you state.
Gość: Wow, while I agree that there were definitely some preolbms with this movie, I think there are some preolbms with your opinions as well. I think you should go rewatch he movie and get your facts straight. For example, so you really think the planet Spock and Kirk end up on was random? If so, this does not say much for your powers of observation. You're comment about Spock totally changing the history of time in this Universe truly shows your own IQ, as the history of this time line had already been altered (In case you didn't notice the little clue of the entire planet Vulcan being blowed up REAL GOOD). As well, if you think Old Spock is emotionless, you not only missed one of the major plot points of this movie, but of the other movies as well (not to mention the original series). If you really think "Most science fiction is inherently silly" than maybe you should leave it to people that understand it. I'm a Trek fan, and even I would only give this movie a 5/10, but not for the reasons you state.
Gość: nvg63NDq8d
136 miesięcy temu
Miła ciekawostka, pzjerymnie się ogląda. W drugim filmiku pokazany jest proces uzyskiwania zapachf3w z naturalnych składnikf3w, min. bergamotki. Czy zatem zapachy Diora mają te naturalne składniki? Czy jest to raczej marketingowa propaganda? Sądziłem że perfumy massmarketowe, jak i wiele niszowych opierają się głf3wnie na syntetykach.
Gość: Miła ciekawostka, pzjerymnie się ogląda. W drugim filmiku pokazany jest proces uzyskiwania zapachf3w z naturalnych składnikf3w, min. bergamotki. Czy zatem zapachy Diora mają te naturalne składniki? Czy jest to raczej marketingowa propaganda? Sądziłem że perfumy massmarketowe, jak i wiele niszowych opierają się głf3wnie na syntetykach.
Gość: Hws0xeVPV3T
136 miesięcy temu
Not to be a SUPER geek, but having been reniadg the prequel comics to this film I have to make a small correction here. The image referred to as the Romulan ship is actually an experimental ship called the Jellyfish and it was built by Geordi LaForge.
Gość: Not to be a SUPER geek, but having been reniadg the prequel comics to this film I have to make a small correction here. The image referred to as the Romulan ship is actually an experimental ship called the Jellyfish and it was built by Geordi LaForge.
Gość: 5cF9KkORrN
136 miesięcy temu
Out of all the ice caves in all the worlds, you had to walk into mine.Eh, it's ibrpobamle, but you can't fault a science fiction movie for ibrpobamle coincidences. I mean, honestly, with as many as every day life has... I've run into friends at hole-in-the-wall bookstores in Prague that I didn't even know were TRAVELING. Them both winding up on that planet makes sense - both were dropped off on a planet near to Vulcan. Spock Prime so he could see it be destroyed, Kirk because they were still near Vulcan when he was marooned. Them both winding up in a cave.... makes less sense, unless it was the only visible form of shelter. But really no more ibrpobamle than running into my ex-boyfriend at a concert in Chicago even though he lives in Oslo. And Kirk and Spock, at least in later years, do have that weird connection.
Gość: Out of all the ice caves in all the worlds, you had to walk into mine.Eh, it's ibrpobamle, but you can't fault a science fiction movie for ibrpobamle coincidences. I mean, honestly, with as many as every day life has... I've run into friends at hole-in-the-wall bookstores in Prague that I didn't even know were TRAVELING. Them both winding up on that planet makes sense - both were dropped off on a planet near to Vulcan. Spock Prime so he could see it be destroyed, Kirk because they were still near Vulcan when he was marooned. Them both winding up in a cave.... makes less sense, unless it was the only visible form of shelter. But really no more ibrpobamle than running into my ex-boyfriend at a concert in Chicago even though he lives in Oslo. And Kirk and Spock, at least in later years, do have that weird connection.
Gość: Vl9Eq9AyXjh
136 miesięcy temu
Dina- thanks for tnikag the quiz. Deanna Troi's from one of the latter series but she's always been a fun character; one of my favourites.The new film was great. I couldn't fault the actors and it just felt like Star Trek again; it had the spirit and fun that's always made Star Trek relevant. I think with so many dark films around, like The Dark Knight, it's good to have a change and something more optimistic and hopeful.I'm not sure how normal audiences will react to it but it's very different to any of the other films, so I hope they'll embrace it as well. So far they seem to like it.I don't think I ever saw V. MQ did; I'll have to ask her. I think there's going to be a of the series later this year I'll have to check it out.And thanks. I am feeling a little better now. Just trying to take it one day at a time.
Gość: Dina- thanks for tnikag the quiz. Deanna Troi's from one of the latter series but she's always been a fun character; one of my favourites.The new film was great. I couldn't fault the actors and it just felt like Star Trek again; it had the spirit and fun that's always made Star Trek relevant. I think with so many dark films around, like The Dark Knight, it's good to have a change and something more optimistic and hopeful.I'm not sure how normal audiences will react to it but it's very different to any of the other films, so I hope they'll embrace it as well. So far they seem to like it.I don't think I ever saw V. MQ did; I'll have to ask her. I think there's going to be a of the series later this year I'll have to check it out.And thanks. I am feeling a little better now. Just trying to take it one day at a time.
Gość: YinWIcxzg
136 miesięcy temu
Jason, I had seen this sort of thing done before with grade soohcl kids and the troops, I think they call it a flat stanley, as they send a flat, paper drawing, cut out of a kid they call Stanley. Also I think the Megomuseum send a nude doll around and people dress it as it goes.Gonk is sitting on my Star Wars shelf right now, he travels with me, though he is sort of mad because I forgot to take him to SDCC this past year. He may explore the house this Christmas and get back to traveling with me in the new year.
Gość: Jason, I had seen this sort of thing done before with grade soohcl kids and the troops, I think they call it a flat stanley, as they send a flat, paper drawing, cut out of a kid they call Stanley. Also I think the Megomuseum send a nude doll around and people dress it as it goes.Gonk is sitting on my Star Wars shelf right now, he travels with me, though he is sort of mad because I forgot to take him to SDCC this past year. He may explore the house this Christmas and get back to traveling with me in the new year.
Gość: SU0YkoPKo
136 miesięcy temu
I got Deanna Troi.I've never really waethcd the show though.It does look appealing to me, and I love how people get really into it. I just never took the time for it. I guess? Maybe I should try it.The science fiction story I used to love was V. Do you remember that miniseries?I'm sorry about your health problems, and I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend.It's nice to hear from you though.
Gość: I got Deanna Troi.I've never really waethcd the show though.It does look appealing to me, and I love how people get really into it. I just never took the time for it. I guess? Maybe I should try it.The science fiction story I used to love was V. Do you remember that miniseries?I'm sorry about your health problems, and I'm very sorry about the loss of your friend.It's nice to hear from you though.
Gość: trDdOqyEJS
127 miesięcy temu
I lierlalty jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Gość: I lierlalty jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
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Michał pisze: a tam zaraz wytkną, po prostu zwrf3cą uwagę, gdyby okazało się ze 10 to za tdziyeń wybieralibyśmy ze 100, ja niemam nic przeciwko tylko, że trzeba było by na spotkania z drugim śniadaniem przyjeżdżać;). Czy jest jakaś nagroda za znalezienie błędu (ktf3ry już został poprawiony oczywiście)??
Gość: Michał pisze: a tam zaraz wytkną, po prostu zwrf3cą uwagę, gdyby okazało się ze 10 to za tdziyeń wybieralibyśmy ze 100, ja niemam nic przeciwko tylko, że trzeba było by na spotkania z drugim śniadaniem przyjeżdżać;). Czy jest jakaś nagroda za znalezienie błędu (ktf3ry już został poprawiony oczywiście)??